For the sake of a ‘byte’
He just gives his name, his service number and that he was a flying pilot that is information in the public domain. He refused, despite the fact that he was hurt and bleeding, to give more details. “I am sorry sir that is all I am supposed to tell you,” the officer who was blind-folded told his captors in a clip made available by the Pak Army. In another video released later, where he is shown with a cup of tea, he again refuses to disclose details about his state and other information that is classified.
But Indian media tried to make interrogation for Pakistan easier by heading toward the commander’s house and revealing his family, violating all rules of reporting about Indian soldiers held in captive by the enemy nation.
During the 26/11 terror attack, the media was airing minute to minute deployment details of the police forces which the terrorists were using for their advantage.
The question is who gave them the authority to report facts that are not verified by the government. Those furious news anchor claiming to start a war with Pakistan themselves made strategies and served it to the audience about possible ways of attacking Pakistan and started flaunting about the war weapons India has. I mean could someone please tell them that they are being watched everywhere by everyone!
Is TRP more important than national security?
- Forwarding jokes are fine but the situation is grim. So let’s come back to senses and ask ourselves, “What is my responsibility in a crisis”. Understand that this is an hour of national high alert in India.
- “Loose lips sink ships”. Your Facebook, Whatsapp & Instagram messages could go to our enemies within minutes. if you have friends in defence, DO NOT share their messages to civilian groups. Just be silent when it comes at security matters. Your brilliant insights may be just what the enemy needs to understand the Indian psyche.
- Stay united, don’t get aggressive and avoid abusing any particular community. Remember! We are Indians first. Indian army is capable enough to deal with the matters pertaining to external aggression and war-like situation but to maintain internal harmony and safety, it is our responsibility.
- Do not photograph or take videos of anything related to local or national security. No selfies with tanks or jawans. The enemy is monitoring social media activity, city by city and tracking our forces.
- Choose newsagencies over news channels to get the news updates, boycott channels those pose a security threat to the family of the soldiers. They are doing to for TRPs, and most of them are owned by political parties, which means the chances of them doing a thing for nation interest decreases.
- Do not take pictures at airports, railway stations, government facilities, etc. or circulate them.
- Do not forward any sensitive videos and if anyone sends it in a group, caution the sender and insist on the admin removing it immediately.
- Be on high alert personally, in public spaces and in case of any security threat, alert local authorities immediately ( suspicious packages, panicked drivers near sensitive facilities, etc.) Become the eyes and ears of India’s security forces.
- If you have a flight/train to catch, arrive early and help make the security checks smooth. Don’t throw tantrums and become a headache for the CRPF/security teams there. Instead, greet them with a Jai Hind or Thank you, and receive a broad smile.
- Sensitize others – family, children, youth, drivers, maids, friends, – that do not share any detail about the soldiers and refrain from indulging in any social media activity that can give a hint about the whereabouts of our Army to enemies.