Books Are Our Best Friends: Reasons Why It Is Absolutely True

Books never judge you

No matter how you look, what you wear or what other people think about you, books will never judge you based on anything.

Books don’t care whether you are rich or poor, fat or skinny, white or colored, or anything. They will accept you the way you are without ever asking you any question.

Books will never leave you alone

A boy reading a book

If you are a book lover, you can never really feel lonely. Books will be there for you in your happiness or your sorrow.

You can always turn to books whenever you feel lonely or bored. And this is one of the biggest reasons why I feel that books are our best friends.

Books take you into the world of adventures

Have you been to Hogwarts? Well, if you are a Harry Potter fan, you surely have been there. Different genres of books such as adventure, mystery, thriller, science fiction, fantasy, etc. take you into the world of fun, excitement, and adventure.

Once you are bonded to reading books, you can visit places you would not have even imagined.

Books can make you laugh

woman reading on sofa

Books have this brilliant ability to make you laugh. At times, you won’t even notice that you were reading a book and something you just read brought a beautiful broad smile on your face.

That’s the power of books. Call it friendship or anything you like, but that is the level of bonding that books share with their readers.

Books can relieve your stress

According to a research by the University of Sussex, reading a book for just six minutes can reduce your stress level by as high as 68 percent!

Don’t we all want this quality in our best friends?

Of course, we do. And books can do that for us pretty well. If you are stressed out, just read a good book for a while. You will notice the magic yourself.

Books help you sleep better

girl is sleeping

If you have a habit of reading before going to bed, you may already know how beneficial it is for us. Reading a good book before bed calms our mind, relaxes our body and prepares us for better and quality sleep.

Books will go anywhere with you

a girl reading book

If you are willing to carry them, books will go anywhere with you. Whether it’s a long train journey or one of the most boring places in the world, books will accompany you anywhere without any question.

Books don’t get angry at you

Books don’t mind if you hang out with others. They don’t get angry at you even if you ignore them and choose one book over the other.

Even if you are reading a book after years, it will treat you the same good way without holding any grudge.

Books never make excuses

Woman Reading a Book

Books always have time for you. If you want to read it till late at night, it will be there for you. If you want to read it early in the morning, it will still be there for you. It will never get tired of you and it will never make any excuses.

You will just have to be willing to read it, and it will be available for you anytime!

Books never complain

Though we always try to treat our books well, we may handle them poorly sometimes. But they still don’t complain and be with us.

Moreover, books don’t have any demands. They don’t want anything in return.

Books help you discover and know yourself better

Books can help you discover and bring out the best in you. Through its many lessons, books have the ability to make you understand what is wrong and what is right.

In long-term, books help us build our personality. It molds our thoughts, increases our knowledge and makes us smarter!

Books give us hope, courage, and motivation

An ideal best friend will never let you feel down. And the same is true with books. If at any instance of your life, you feel discouraged or demotivated, just pick up a good inspirational book and start reading.

It might not solve your problem, but it will definitely give you hope and courage to face it and find a solution. Books are a huge source of motivation and inspiration.

Eventually, these were some of the reasons why books are our best friends. However, It does not mean that only books and not humans can be our best friends.

Of course, both can be. It’s just that it’s pretty hard to find so many qualities in a friend. And if you have such great friend already, consider yourself lucky and never let go of him/her.


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