This is war time, not a picnic!

Anupam Sinha: Apropos the story, Mr Prime Minister, bloody wake up on April 26, 2020, I would like to say, at the end of the day, be grateful that the nation is in strong, capable and dependable hands during such unprecedented adverse times. It depends what you want to see in the current situation; especially if one wants to wear blinkers instead of a mask. So many positives manifested – united society, resilience of people, fearless medical fraternity, tireless essential services warriors, commendable governance by central and all State governments, generosity and sacrifice of the general public who are ensuring food, rations and basics to the needy brothers, high spirits as in clapping and lighting of diya to name some. And the concerted effort on all fronts has resulted in the containment of the calamity. It is easy to pontificate but difficult to take on the unparalleled challenge.

Now major negative points…the jahiliyat of a section of people, be it of any religion, the treason by a set of people as in being nasty to the medics, police etc and the conspiracy by some to deliberately spread virus. And spreading of negativity by some journalists in the name of questioning who are completely oblivious of the catastrophe. They think some picnic is going on. But even those are not so harmful existential exercises.

And that, my friend, brings me, a very ordinary citizen, not as erudite as you journalists, to this stage or chapter or issue. And you can elaborate on it, though writing on the subject that follows will demand deep pondering and research and not hollow pontifications. And that is supposing we were engaged in a full-fledged WAR. Just extrapolate present glaring incidents , a deadly bio attack, Dubeys spreading multiple type of phobias to further their selfish interests and rise to fame etc, large scale sabotage unleashed from across and within,  spreading of gloom by urban Naxalite OGs, treacherous and dubious people like Arundhati Roy maligning Nation’s Image by their vitriolic utterances etc. A No of seemingly insurmountable take homes we must analyze.

You know it well that we are not so gullible that we will swoon to some trickster’s pipe, and you also know what is the might of collective spirit, espirit de corps. Let’s fight this deadly virus united. It’s not a picnic going on.


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