The issue raised by the article, Mr Prime Minister, Wake up published on April 26, 2020 in The Correspondent reflects the truth and harsh reality

By Sumeet Baxi

TC Bureau: The restrictions imposed in an egregious manner which doesn’t keep in sync with the wisdom of the people responsible to implement the same. In a vast country such as India with a mammoth population, such vagaries are bound to take place unless delicately, micro & macro-managed. The COVID Warriors are not to be blamed as they’re doing just as they’re being instructed. It is imperative on the Central & respective State Govts to come out with a detailed and a workable solution.

Mere implementation of lockdown & provisioning of essential supplies will not suffice. The migration of workers, acute shortage of manpower in the industrial sector etc have to be addressed holistically and not in a knee jerk manner. Because the moment you start industries, which requires manpower / labour, the exodus will again commence and it’ll have its cascading effects. It’d be better if the Govts start opening up / loosening out with proper care & precautions at the workplaces with stringent measures, the negative spike in the economy will be reduced to a considerable extent. As a matter of fact, the financial advisors are in abundance in this country – take a snap-poll (not seriously though). Let them do the mathematics, meanwhile the management of the labour / populace can be handled by the experts – ask for the analysis as in case study from the esteemed management institutes & working minds. The dependence on the bureaucracy for everything will tire them out – let them get the options to take a call. Ultimately, the most viable possible option has to be selected by the respective Govts (be it Centre or State).

The economy is taking the brunt of the beating in almost all the fields. So, if the Govt doesn’t ease out pragmatically, particularly in medical, pharmaceutical, agriculture & industrial sectors with associated paraphernalia & ancillaries like transport, automobile & communication firms or companies, we’re only looking at total collapse and bankruptcy. One can keep blaming various things and start politics over it, but would it help? The Answer is “NO.” If a particular State Govt doesn’t play up or match the pace of requirements than imposing severe restrictions on the functioning of that negative Govt machinery would be in order in the national interest without being prejudiced.

The routine medical services must be made available to the masses which is the most humane aspect of this war against the pandemic – the key aspect, which we quite easily overlook. It is an outlandish thought to even close-down rest of the medical services and only work on COVID-19. It’d be a great disservice to prevent people from getting proper medical attention. The medical teams can’t be omnipresent for testing, but they can visit specific areas in a phased manner & the testing can be carried out in an organized manner taking care of all the precautions incorporating each society committees, mohallas, mini-townships, sub-urban areas, urban areas, villages, districts, etc. Their monitoring can be done by the administration centrally by supervising and rendering all necessary things required. Remember, you only said that it’s a People’s War – but you want fight without them, keep them locked up and defenseless. How long can you sustain it? Sadly speaking Sir, for not very long. Make a plan which is self-sustainable, people inclusive, with real-time progress or reportage. The question arises, is it possible? The answer is Yes. Why not – have you tried it even before you even rule it out? If not, than please give it a shot! It could pave the way for the rest of the world to emulate.

The Hostile Areas to be addressed differently using other means & making full use of the Armed Forces and their equipments at the disposal of the Govt which includes Air Force, Army & Navy. If this pandemic is affecting the country than what stops the Govt from using its best available resource to carry out the ‘Aid to Civil Authorities’ by the Indian Armed Forces which are in anyway better equipped, disciplined and self contained. They need to be augmented with required paramedics and essential items which the military doesn’t usually form part of its inventory.

The lockdown has shown how things can be managed, but we can’t be managing forever. It’s time for the Govt to come up with a real, practical, workable and population friendly modus operandi. At present it appears to be too far rigid and lacking flexibility. Some people who got stuck up and are unable to go back to their aged parents in this crisis will never forgive, those who’s children have got stuck and are separated from their parents will never forgive and forget. The present regime in the Centre has done a lot of good work and has shown character to better it. Instead of being touchy and religiophobic, it should go all out discarding all theories, which in any case will continue to linger as that’s what keeps politics alive in our country as always.

Enough is enough, it’s time to get up and get cracking from NOWHERE to NOW & HERE.

Together We Can & We Will!


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